QTP Interview Questions and Answer

Question 1 : If we call an page using both Descriptive programming and Object repository both will it idetify the object :

Option 1 : Browser("OR").page("desc")
Option 2 : Browser("Desc").page("OR")

Answer 1 : Since QTP first look into OR then move to Desc so First option will work
but for the second option since it first look into desc so it will desc desc onwords which it's not getting in the flow so it will not work . so final answer would be .

Browser("OR").page("desc") : Work
Browser("Desc").page("OR") : Don't Work

2) There are six different types of parametrization in QTP .

1. Data Table

2. Environment variabls

3. Random Number

4. Action Table

5. Through flats files

6. Through Excel sheet

Note # In QTP 11 We can instruct QTP to automatically parameterize the steps in our test's actions at the end of a recording session.