Friday, 24 June 2011

Quick Test Professional Automation Frame Work

Quick Test Professional Automation Frame Work
HP QuickTest Professional, the advanced solution for functional test and regression test automation. Automated testing solution deploys the concept of keyword-driven testing to enhance test creation and maintenance. Keyword-driven testing is a technique that separates much of the programming work from the actual test steps so that the test steps can be developed earlier and can often be maintained with only minor updates, even when there are significant changes in your application or your testing needs.
Using the Hybrid approach, test automation experts have full access to the underlying test and object properties, via an integrated scripting and debugging environment that is round-trip synchronized with the Keyword View.
Type of Frame work

1. Linear
2. Modular
3. Keyword Driven
4. Data Driven
5. Hybrid
Hyrbid Frame Work : It is mixture of 1 to 4 frame works as mentioned above.Hybrid frame work maintains resuablity,modularity,data driven.
Reusablity : One action or function can be resusable for many times in application testing .Example Launching of application .we can write one action /function which it can be revoked as many times as we want.
Modularity : Task can be devided into smaller action/functions so that individual functions/actions can be modified which results in easy of enhance/maitain code.Thus it avoids damage of code during enhancing /editing the scripts(actions/functions)
Data Driven : It is easy  to guide QTP to take the data from external source.When bulk amout of data is to be given to test application ,it is good practice to supply the data from external source (.xls,.txt files).QTP supports to write and read data to/from external source like excel ,text files.
Folder Structure in Hybrid frame work

Diagram of Hybrid frame work

QTP Scripts: It may consist of actions/reusable actions.

Function Library: It consists of reusable Functions defined to perform defined task. Library files are in the form of .vbs files.

Object Repository: Shared object repository is used for identifying the object properties

Data Table: Data table (excel sheet) is used to populate the required data .the data in excel sheet is given as input to the application under test.QTP can write data to excel sheet and read data from excel sheet.

Result: QTP can generate the results in the form of HTML, which facilitates how many test cases are passed /failed at the end of test run.